1st Pt
At the start, look around as you would when moving off. If the road is clear or there are no other road users nearby who are attempting to pass you, then move off very slowly and immediately steer full lock right, but once you're car is moving give another look to the right for other road users.

If it is safe, continue across the road and if you have enough space (and the full lock steering is complete) move a little brisker but slowing down as you approach the kerb and stopping your car so that the front of your car does not overhang the kerb but is approx 6 inch short of the kerb.

While you change into reverse gear you can now hold the car using either your foot brake or your parking brake but using the parking brake gives more control for moving again.  
2nd Pt
Before reversing look right along the road, left along the road, then out the rear window. If the road is clear or there are no other road users nearby, move off very slowly and immediately steer full lock left while still looking out the back window, but once you're car is moving give another look to the right for other road users then out the back window again.

If it is safe, continue across the road and if you have enough space (and the full lock steering is complete) move a little brisker. When half way across the road, look over your right shoulder (or in your right door mirror) so as to judge stopping with the rear of your car not overhang the kerb but approx 6 inch short of the kerb.

While you change into 1st gear you can now hold the car using either your foot brake or your parking brake but using the parking brake gives more control for moving again.

3rd Pt
Before moving off look left along the road then right along the road for other road users.

If it is safe or there are no other road users nearby who are attempting to pass you, then move off slowly and immediately steer sufficiently to the right so as to end up on the left side of the road and continue on your journey. 
Driving Lessons:
Bay Park