Before starting the manoeuvre, you will be parked at the side of the road before the junction. After moving off safely to drive towards the start position, look in your main mirror to see if there is a vehicle behind you. If there is, then immediately on passing the centreline of the junction you are going to reverse into, indicate left but continue into position. You should be approx 1 foot out from the kerb and approx 2 car lengths beyond the junction. 

At start - Look right blind spot, right mirror, ahead then out the back window. If it is safe, then follow the kerb to the corner while still looking out the back window.

Note: If there are vehicles traveling towards you (on the other side of the road) from the front then make yourself aware of these vehicles as they might turn into the junction you are attempting to reverse into. You can continue reversing but if they are slowing down to turn into the junction then you should slow down and wait just as they approach the junction. Once they have turned in, you can continue reversing but before continuing look right blind spot, right mirror, ahead then out the back window for any other road users that you might need to wait for.

At corner - Look right blind spot, right mirror, ahead then out the back window. If it is safe, then steer left to follow the corner into the junction while mainly looking out the back window but now and then looking in your left door mirror to confirm your position to the kerb.

Note: due to the front of your vehicle moving out into the road when you start to steer you must not continue if there are vehicles passing you or pedestrians walking around your vehicle.

When parallel with new road - Steer briskly right to straighten your front wheels, and then follow the kerb back approx 4 car lengths.  

Remember, you must be mainly looking out the back window and only glancing in your left door mirror every now and then to check your position with the kerb.

While on the corner section, look right blind spot, right mirror, and ahead more often if required e.g. a busy street, pedestrians nearby, other junctions nearby, etc. But again, remember to be looking mainly out the back window while reversing.

At any time while reversing, if another vehicle approaches from behind then you must wait when they are nearby and until they pass you or turn away from you or wait for you to continue. If, on the corner, a vehicle approaches close from behind then you might have to pull forward into the main road to give them space to turn at the junction, then once they are clear start reversing in again. Remember to do your observations before pulling forward and before reversing again. 


Driving Lessons:
Bay Park