Observations: - Look from right shoulder blind spot, right mirror, the road in front, then out the back window. If it is safe, then start reversing, while still looking out the back window. Note: You must not continue if other road users are going to be passing you. If they wait then you must continue.

Immediately when the car starts to move, steer full lock to the left. (Shown in the next diagram).  

Observations: - Once you have completed steering full lock to the left look around (as above). If it is safe, then continue reversing to the 2nd reference (Shown in the next diagram), while mainly looking out the back window but checking now and then for the next reference.
Note: You must not continue if other road users are going to be passing you. If they wait then you must continue.
Note: In very busy streets you might have to look several times all round until you reach the 2nd reference.
On reaching the 2nd reference, steer back to the right so as to straighten your steering. With the wheels straight the car will now be coming in towards the kerb.
Observations: - You should now mainly look out the back window but look every now and then in the left door mirror for the 3rd reference. (Shown in the next diagram).
Note: You now do not need to wait while other road users pass on your right side, because the front of your car is now not moving out into the traffic.
As you reverse towards the kerb you should see, in your left door mirror, the kerb visually traveling down the mirror. There are two ways to visualise when it's time for the next turn of the steering wheel.
  1. 1. A triangle can be seen in the left door mirror created by the side of the car, the kerb and the bottom of the mirror. When this triangle reaches a small size then steer full lock to the right.
  2. 2. When the bottom of the kerb reaches near to the bottom of  your door mirror then steer full lock to the right.
Simply choose the method that you prefer.

Observations: - You should still mainly look out the back window but every now and then look forward to a) make sure that the front of your car is not going to hit the other car (this could happen if your steering is insufficient or the references incorrect), and, b) gauge when your car is coming in to be parallel with the kerb. (Refer the next diagram).

As your car almost reaches parallel with the kerb, steer left to straighten up your car wheels. By the time you have straightened your steering your car should be positioned as shown in the next diagram. 
Your car should now be parallel with the kerb. Note: The car does not have to be parallel with the kerb but both the left wheels should be less than one foot from the kerb. Your car should also be within two car lengths of the vehicle in front, your car being one of the lengths i.e. one car length maximum (preferably less) between your front bumper and the nearest bumper of the vehicle you have reversed in behind.