Even the most careful drivers can get a ticket at least once in their lives. Whether it's for smoking in a non-smoking area or for throwing garbage at the wrong place, we’ve all paid fines for doing something we shouldn't. 

If you’re a motorist in the Philippines, chances are you've already received a ticket from the Land Transportation Office (LTO) for violating a traffic rule or two.

We sympathize because we're all just humans. There are some days when you just forget or lose your cool. However, the goal is to not be fined or penalized again. You can certainly achieve that by being a responsible and knowledgeable motorist and taking note of these LTO violations.

Traffic and Administrative Violations

1. Driving Without a Valid License

LTO fine: ₱3,000

Going for a quick drive but too lazy to get a driving license? Think twice before starting your vehicle then. The penalty for driving without a license in the Philippines is a hefty ₱3,000.

This driving without license fine also applies to having a delinquent, expired, suspended, revoked, improper, or fake driver’s license.

Heads-up for student drivers! You'll also pay this no license penalty when you're caught driving without a duly licensed driver as a companion.

2. Not Wearing a Seat Belt

LTO fine: ₱1,000 to ₱5,000

Wearing your seat belt should be the very first thing you do when you get inside your vehicle. For drivers and passengers who fail to do so, prepare to pay the LTO fee of ₱1,000 on your first offense. If you're a second-time offender, you'll need to pay the fine of ₱2,000. For the third offense and every succeeding one, the fine will be ₱5,000. 

You'll also pay the same fine if you allow kids 6 years old and below to sit on the front seat of your vehicle. Aside from the fine, your driver's license will also be suspended for 1 week.

4. Reckless Driving

LTO fine: ₱2,000 to ₱10,000

The penalty for reckless driving in the Philippines includes a fine plus suspension of your driver's license. When caught for reckless driving for the first time, the penalty is ₱2,000. If you still don't learn your lesson and get caught for the second time, you'll be fined ₱3,000 and get a 3-month suspension on your driver's license.

On your third and subsequent offenses, the penalty will be ₱10,000, plus 6 months suspension or revocation of your driver's license.

In June 2022, a hit-and-run incident involving an SUV driver and a security guard in Mandaluyong City went viral. The LTO found the erring driver liable for reckless driving (his fourth time) and for violating the Land Transportation and Traffic Code when he abandoned the scene and the victim.

Because of such "unacceptable behaviors," the LTO revoked the driver's license and "perpetually disqualified" him from securing a license and driving a vehicle in the future.[1]

Such is a kind of situation you don't want to get into, so practice safe driving and keep a cool head on the road always.

5. Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol and/or Prohibited Drugs

LTO fine: ₱20,000 to ₱80,000

This is a serious violation with serious consequences under the Anti-Drunk and Drugged Driving Act. If your violation did not result in physically injuring or killing someone, the penalty will be 3 months imprisonment and a fine of ₱20,000 to ₱80,000.

However, if the violation resulted in physical injuries, the penalty will be as stated in Article 263 of the Revised Penal Code, plus a fine of ₱100,000 to ₱200,000.

If the violation resulted in homicide, the penalty will be as stated in Article 249 of the Revised Penal Code, plus a fine of ₱300,000 to ₱500,000.

Furthermore, the non-professional driver’s license will be confiscated and suspended for 12 months on the first conviction. On the second conviction, it will be perpetually revoked.

For the professional driver’s license, it will be confiscated and perpetually revoked on the first conviction. Moreover, the driver will also be disqualified from being given any kind of driver's license after that. 

6. Not Wearing a Helmet 

LTO fine: ₱1,500 to PHP 10,000

Motorcycle riders and their back riders should always wear a helmet whenever they travel.

Failure to do so will warrant an applicable LTO fine:

  • First offense: ₱1,500
  • Second offense: ₱3,000
  • Third offense: ₱5,000
  • Fourth and succeeding offenses: ₱10,000 

Furthermore, motorcycle riders and their back riders will be fined if found wearing substandard helmets or those without the ICC sticker. The fine is ₱3,000 on the first offense and ₱5,000 on the second offense.

Be aware of different LTO violations on plate numbers. Make sure that you have a license plate that's properly attached to your vehicle.

A no plate violation will incur a hefty fine of ₱5,000. Driving with a loose number plate may not only cause damage to your vehicle but also risk your safety and that of other motorists you share the road with.

The defective tail light penalty can really hurt your wallet. So as a responsible motorist, check that everything is working properly before you hit the road. This fine for defective/improper/unauthorized accessories, devices, equipment and parts also applies to the following:

  • Bells/horns/sirens/whistles
  • Blinkers
  • Brakes
  • Early warning device (EWD)
  • Grill/s
  • Jalousies
  • Foot and hand brakes
  • Brake lights, headlights, interior lights, signal lights
  • Mirrors
  • Mufflers
  • Metallic tires/spare tire
  • Speedometer
  • Windshield
  • Wipers
  • Any other accessory, device, equipment or part that may risk road safety

Apart from paying the fine, your vehicle will also be impounded until you replace or properly install the said part. Unauthorized plates, accessories, or devices will be confiscated as well. 

1. How do you check if you have LTO violation?

You can easily check LTO violations you've committed, if there's any, using the LTMS Online Portal (portal.lto.gov.ph). Enroll for an account first and then log in to the LTO portal. Click on "Violations" to see your demerit points (the point/s you get for every committed driving or traffic violation).

To check your unsettled violations, click the Unsettled tab. The History tab if for viewing the violations you've already settled.

2. How much is the LTO fine for a DTS violation?

The fine for DTS or Disregarding Traffic Signs is ₱1,000. This applies to all driver activities that don't follow road rules and traffic signs while driving.

3. How much is the LTO fine for brake light violation?

If your brake light is defective, you'll be fined ₱5,000. It's the same with the no tail light violation fee.

4. What is an LTO alarm violation?

LTO alarms are placed on vehicles with a bad record in LTO because of driver apprehension or for being hot cars or carnapped vehicles. 

5. Where can I pay my LTO violation fee?

Settle your fines at the cashier of any LTO branch and satellite office. If you're looking for a way to pay LTO violations online, wait for an official announcement on when the online payment facility will be made available through the LTMS Online Portal.

Final Thoughts

Most violations are easily avoided if motorists, motorcycle riders, and passengers just follow the rules. Always be alert on the road. Keep in mind these rules on LTO violations to avoid the above-mentioned fines and penalties.

Note: These are just some of the LTO violations in the Philippines.